SRF Programs
All Programs are Approved on the Victorian School Readiness Funding Menu.
"Using Music with Pip and her team has been the most rewarding and nurturing experience. Right from our initial intake Pip has enveloped us in warmth, enthusiastic support and can do attitude too. Her in depth knowledge of child and teacher need is woven expertly and with deepset respect into every interaction. Pip lead our team to develop confidence and thorough enjoyment in using music during transitions, play and group times. Her array of allied supports through online training held something for everyone. Extremely highly reccomended for enriching the well being of children and their educators"
Amanda, Kindergarten Teacher
Using Music at Kinder
Using Music at Kinder offers consultancy, professional learning, and mentoring to educators in early years settings. Kindergarten educators are supported to build their capacity with the skills, resources, knowledge and confidence to integrate music into their programs. This occurs through in-person consultancy session during a kinder session to discover and discuss the needs of the early childhood providers and children, and a follow up professional learning workshop to reflect, model and upskill educators in using music in their programs. In session mentoring visits to model, mentor and support, can be included as part of your program.
Educators, early childhood professionals, kindergarten teams
Time Commitment
2 hours for the workshop out of session, or off the floor, and professional learning webinars (4 hours).
2 hour onsite consultancy visit during Kinder session
2 hour professional learning session/workshop
4 professional learning webinars (one hour each)
4 hours online group mentoring sessions (optional)
Delivery Mode
Face-to-face, online, group training, professional development, and mentoring options
Access Requirements
No prior experience of music necessary; Backfill can be considered during onsite consultancy visit; online access may be required.
Using Music with Preschoolers
Using Music with Preschoolers is an interactive and inclusive workshop for teachers and educators, offering information and strategies for using music to improve the learning, communication and wellbeing of preschool children and the early childhood team.
Teachers, educators, kindergarten communities
Time Commitment
2, 4 and 6 hour workshops available.
Additional 4 hours of online group mentoring sessions (optional).
Delivery Mode
Available face-to-face or online, group training
Access Requirements
No prior experience of music necessary; online access may be required
Using Music Professional Learning
Using Music Professional Learning enables educators to participate in capacity building professional development through engaging and informative online webinars. The series of four online webinars offer ideas and knowledge for using music to support communication, social and emotional wellbeing.​
Educators, early childhood professionals, kindergarten teams
Time Commitment
4 hours in total:
1 hour per online webinar (4 webinars)
Optional: Up to 4 hours of online group mentoring sessions.
Delivery Mode
Online webinars on-demand, professional development
Access Requirements
No prior experience of music necessary; online access required.